• 1 ltr
  • 2 ltr
  • 5 ltr

Product Description

Fertisil 21:21:21+ TE is cent percent water soluble liquid organic NPK fertilizer fortified with trace elements.  It is a unique combination specially formulated with proprietary technology for the correction of nutrient deficiency and ensure plants become more nutrient-efficient for higher production.

Fertisil NPK: 21:21:21+ TE ensures excellent nutrient penetration in stomata due to low particle size and molecular weight which gives quick and unique results. The product is designed to have more cationic exchange for quick natural and greater uptake in the plant system.

The product is totally safe to use as it is free from any adverse effects of Sodium

(Na), Chlorine (Cl), Nitrates (NO3), Sulphates (SO4) and Carbonates (CO3) Scientific research suggest that all the nutrients are maximum available to plants at Neutral pH (6 to 7) which is being maintained by Fertisil NPK: 21:21:21+ TE always and that facilitate faster & more uptake resulting into higher crop yield.

This is in liquid form and due to the designed nature of its intrinsic properties, the product is totally water soluble and has no precipitation.

The product is stable under UV rays and has all-weather stability due to its designed characteristics.

It has the lowest salt index which doesn’t cause salt injury to crops or burn to the plant.

Fertisil NPK: 21:21:21+ TE reduces water hardness of the spray solution, as the product has a strong resistance to deposition and is corrosion resistant, hence the drip irrigation pipes or spraying machinery and the nozzles are not susceptible to corrosion or deposition which is a huge advantage for the farming community.

Fertisil NPK: 21:21:21+ TE available in 5 Ltr, 2 Ltr & 1 Ltr packing.

Recommended dosage per acre:

Product Fruit crops Vegetables Pulses Cereals
Fertisil NPK 21:21:21+TE 1000-1200 ml 500-750 ml 500-750 ml 500-750 ml

State of Art Manufacturing Facilities

State of Art R&D Facilities

Ecofreindly Proprietary Molecules

Innovation in Foliar Nutrition

Innovation in Soil Nutrition